Renata lavadeira empenhava-se em lavar a roupa dos Lisboetas.
Não era tarefa fácil. Ainda por cima só roupa branca.
O que lhe valia por vezes era a ajuda do seu Tio Alfredo que desviava barras de sabão do arsenal do exército. O negócio ia de vento em popa.Mas o terror de qualquer lavadeira da altura acabava de chegar.
A menina Ilda, sua concorrente directa, acabava de adquirir três máquinas de lavar roupa topo de gama com bomba de água automática. Mas a Renata, esperta que nem uma rata, pegou no seu pé-de-meia e abriu uma loja de venda de máquinas de lavar roupa, com o Slogan, “Lares mais felizes com máquinas da Renata”.
> 1 clack de 1974 Famobil, made in Espanha
> Utensílios Famobil / Playmobil (balde)
> Moldura em pinho com 130mm x 180mm
> Fundo com publicidade impressa às máquinas Hoover dos anos 50
Rita made it her business to wash the laundry of city folk.It was no easy task particularly because it was all linen.
Fortunately she had the help of her uncle Alfie who had ways to bring her all the soap she needed. (Better not know how.) Anyway, her business went swimmingly. But suddenly the doom of every washwoman was there. Miss Lily, her more direct competitor, had just bought three state of the art washing machines.
But Rita was no fool. She took all her money and opened a washing machine store with the slogan “Happier homes with Rita’s machines”.
> One 1974 Famobil clack, made in Spain
> Famobil / Playmobil implements (bucket)
> Pine frame, 130mm by 180mm
> Background reproduced from a Hoover washing machines press ad from the fifties
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