Fanã adorava música. Tinha um grande espólio discográfico dos anos 60’ que herdara do seu pai.
A sua vida ficou verdadeiramente marcada por um álbum do Simon & Garfunkel que comprara em segunda mão.
Nas viagens de comboio entre o Fundão e Braço de Prata, cantava juntamente com a sua irmã mais velha alguns dos famosos temas, vezes sem conta. Havia dias em que eram aplaudidos e tudo. Na altura tinham como directo rival os grupinhos de escuteiros.
Nunca mais ninguém os ouviu cantar. Dizem que a irmã mais nova lhes comeu a língua!
> 1 click de 1974 Famobil, made in Espanha
> Utensílios Famobil / Playmobil (chapéu, fones e mala)
> Moldura em carvalho com 175mm x 175mm
> Fundo impresso em cartolina verde da capa do Album de Simon and Garfunkel "Hits" 1982
> Utensílios Famobil / Playmobil (chapéu, fones e mala)
> Moldura em carvalho com 175mm x 175mm
> Fundo impresso em cartolina verde da capa do Album de Simon and Garfunkel "Hits" 1982
Freddy adored music. He had a vast amount of records from the sixties he had inherited from his father.
A milestone in his life was the day when he purchased a Simon & Garfunkel album second hand.
During the trips between his home town and the city where he lived he would sing time and time again, together with his sister, some of the famous themes. Once in a while they would even get a round of applause. At the time the competition came from the groups of boy scouts.Then no one heard them sing again. Some said his sister ate his tongue!
> One 1974 Famobil click, made in Spain
> Famobil / Playmobil implements (hat, headphone and suitcase)
> Oak frame, 175mm by 175mm
> Background printed on green card and reproduced from Simon and Garfunkel Album “Hits” 1982
A milestone in his life was the day when he purchased a Simon & Garfunkel album second hand.
During the trips between his home town and the city where he lived he would sing time and time again, together with his sister, some of the famous themes. Once in a while they would even get a round of applause. At the time the competition came from the groups of boy scouts.Then no one heard them sing again. Some said his sister ate his tongue!
> One 1974 Famobil click, made in Spain
> Famobil / Playmobil implements (hat, headphone and suitcase)
> Oak frame, 175mm by 175mm
> Background printed on green card and reproduced from Simon and Garfunkel Album “Hits” 1982
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